
How do we bring communities along on the urban change journey?
Exploring a change management approach

Jennifer Michelmore, Managing Director Civic Shifts and Studio THI CEO.
Amanda Sheers MPIA, Director Planning & Development, City of Stirling
Monica Creek, Senior Development Engagement Officer, City of Stirling

To drive effective change in our cities and regions over the next 20 years, planners must deliver bold, ambitious plans that are embraced by those who live in, lead, and build our neighbourhoods

To achieve this, our plan-making and implementation processes will need to adapt, blending technical investigations with change management approaches that foster community and stakeholder understanding and, ultimately, support for concepts such as urban consolidation, densification, living more sustainably, urban equity and housing affordability and diversity.

In this 90-minute interactive workshop you will:

Explore foundational concepts of urban change management and their application to plan-making.

Learn how to measure your community’s readiness for urban change, including insights from a community research activity in the City of Stirling.

Discover effective community engagement and education processes that build awareness, ownership, knowledge, ability, and trust regarding growth challenges and opportunities.

By the end of this workshop, you'll gain practical ideas for integrating a change management approach into your next planning process and strategies for preparing your community for transformative urban change.

About the Presenters

Jennifer Michelmore, Managing Director Civic Shifts and Studio THI CEO.

Jennifer is a systems thinker and urbanist, and for almost 20 years she has been collaborating with a global network of people who live in, lead, plan for, design and develop cities to maximise the social benefits of urban change.

As the leader of Studio THI and Civic Shifts, she is driving the strategic ambition to create a portfolio of sector leading tools, training programs, and resources to help communities better and navigate urban change. Her key initiatives include spearheading the creation of the award-winning Urban Change Readiness Index (developing an evidence-based assessment of a community’s preparedness for urban change), developing councillor training programs to foster productive conversations about urban transformation, and leading the development of community education resources on growth and housing diversity.

She is passionate about building the change leadership capabilities in our sector and believes that with every urban change we have the opportunity and responsibility to create something extraordinary for today and future generations.

Amanda Sheers MPIA, Director Planning & Development, City of Stirling

With 20 years’ experience in both public and private sectors Interstate, Amanda has held leadership roles in Local and State Governments across urban planning and infrastructure strategies and projects.

Amanda is passionate about achieving positive outcomes for Stirling and has fostered strong relationships with her colleagues, Council and the City’s customers and external stakeholders

Monica Creek, Senior Development Engagement Officer, City of Stirling

Monica is a planner with thirteen years’ experience in local government and a passion for interpreting planning jargon and legislation into easily accessible language for the wider community.

Before completing her planning qualification, Monica studied an undergraduate degree in history and maintains an interest in heritage planning.