
Challenge 3 – A city designed for the most vulnerable people is a city for everyone – how are their voices being heard?

Session Chair: Nicola Smith RPIA (Fellow)

Session One 13:15 - 13:30

Making consultation work for you: A Seven Mile Beach Intercept Engagement Success

Nicola Smith RPIA (Fellow), Director and Joyce Chung PIA (Assoc.), Senior Planner, Niche Planning Studio

Session Two 13:30 - 13:45

Investing in our Town Centres - supporting people-friendly streets

Karen Hyde RPIA, Principal, Taylor Burrell Barnett

Session Three 13:45 - 14:00

She doesn’t even go here…. Ask ourselves: Are young girls being designed out of public spaces?

Jess Gannaway, Senior Strategic Planner + Landscape Architect, REALMstudios

Session Four 14:00 - 14:15

Applying human centred design thinking to our urban frameworks

Lisa Montgomery and Carla Chatzopoulos, Directors and Co-Founders, INK Strategy

Panel Discussion 14:15 - 14:45

All concurrent presenters join to discuss and debate the challenge.

This theatre will be located in Meeting Room 3