
New Planner

New Planner is circulated to around 1300 readers each quarter and is available on subscription. Enquiries should be directed to the NSW State Manager.


September 2024 Planning for the renewable energy transformation

June 2024 Opportunities and Challenges of Transit Oriented Development

March 2024 Core of a good planning system


December 2023 Year in Review

September 2023 Planning inclusive housing and places

June 2023 Trust in Planning

March 2023 Planning through a gender lens


December 2022 Year in Review

September 2022 Recognising, Preserving and Enhancing Heritage

June 2022 Housing – Challenges and Opportunities

March 2022 Regional Settlement - Governance and Opportunities


December 2021 Year in Review

September 2021 Planning for Net Zero Carbon

June 2021 Aligning Infrastructure with Community Spaces

March 2021 The Positive Planning Economy


December 2020 Planning for Change

September 2020 Design and Place

June 2020 Future Security - Building Back Better

March 2020 The Town and The City - The Vision in 2050


December 2019 The Year in Review

September 2019 Urban Resilience

June 2019 Indigenous Rights and Interests in Planning

March 2019 Rural and Regional Planning


December 2018 The Year in Review

September 2018 Politics

June 2018 Engaging the community in city shaping

March 2018 Digital Disruptions


December 2017 The Year in Review

September 2017 Planning & Design

June 2017 Strategic Planning

March 2017 Infrastructure Funding


December 2016 The Year in Review

September 2016 Affordable & Diverse Housing

Council Amalgamations | Western Sydney Airport |Job Satisfaction in planning | Regional Planning



The Year in Review

Planning for Places

Transport & Infrastructure

Planning & Politics


The Year in Review (with a focus on technology/the digital age and ePlanning)

100 Issues - Looking Forward, Looking Back

June 2014 Urban Design - shaping our cities

March 2014 Community Engagement


December 2013 The year in review

September 2013 Adding up the number

June 2013 The Value of Planning

March 2013 Getting the balance right


December 2012 The year in review

September 2012 The NSW planning system

June 2012 Healthy urban environments

March 2012 Putting people first